Nov. 1 dues reminder and membership application for all members!
Important Reminder:  To be eligible for MQHA points for year-end awards, an exhibitor must be an MQHA member at the time the points are earned.  Please make sure your membership is current!


2025 MQHYA Meeting Dates
All Meetings will be by conference call unless otherwise noted. Please call or text Suzy McBeath at 601-562-3631 if you cannot be on the call.

The Meetings begin at 5:30 pm

Please call 601-384-9944
Pin # 45261
Then say name.

March 11
April 8
May 13
June 10
July 8
August 12
September 9
October 14
November 11
December 9

Please call in and participate we are trying to make it easier for every one. This is your association and remember One person can't do everything but One person can do something!






MISSION STATEMENT FOR THE MISSISSIPPI QUARTER HORSE ASSOCIATION: To provide beneficial member services that enhance and encourage Quarter Horse ownership and participation. To generate growth of MQHA membership through marketing, promotion, advertisement, publicity, and education regarding the American Quarter Horse.  

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